SailingEurope Charter

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Naša základňa

Naša základňa Rogač na ostrove Šolta je jedinečným kúskom raja. Pri čakaní, kým bude vaša loď pripravená na vyplavenie, môžete plávať v priezračnej vode a relaxovať v tieni borovíc.
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People about us

SailingEurope Charter provided excellent support to organize our sailing holiday!

Talvik, Estonia

Igor Kornalevskiy, Russia

Igor Kornalevskiy, Russia

To my mind your company is the best charter on the Adriatic coast. In Rogach I feel as my home bay – small and hospitality in all. Good job base team guys gives respect for them. They keep in attention all things and details.

Osvaldo Marzorati, Argentina

Osvaldo Marzorati, Argentina

I have a lovely sailing with the Alaske. I am quite happy with Duje professionalism and all of his team as well. I look forward to heating from either of you. Warmest regards in the nowadays cold Zagreb. Osvaldo

Andrew Holmes, Australia

Andrew Holmes, Australia

Everything was run very professionally and the boats we booked were absolutley spot on! The Skippers that were supplied made our trip the unforgettable experience it was. They went out of thier way to help us and got involved with all of our activities.

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